Typos and expanded information update

Howdy everyone! 

I know it has been awhile since I have released this adventure but I finally got around to correcting some issues with the adventure. Attached and updated download files (v2) fix the following:

  1. Rules cheats are removed in order to add more Starting Information.
  2. Added the Continuing the Adventure section which includes 3 lore spices to incorporate the adventure into a larger campaign or plot.
  3. Leaving the Tomb section has been added to.
  4. References to other areas using map numbers have been corrected to accurately match the adventure map.

If you have any feedback, feel free to comment so I can look into it for any future changes, until then... Happy Adventuring!


TheHeavensProphetsTomb_v2.pdf 5.2 MB
Mar 29, 2020
TheHeavenProphetsTomb_v2.rtf 99 kB
Mar 29, 2020

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